Powerplant IM is an abandoned power plant with a cooling tower. This power plant was part of the company Electrabel and is abandoned since 2006. When we arrived here, the main building was allready in full renovation. There were no stairs left in the main building. When saw this when we climbed into the only entrance we could find. After seeing that there were no stairs we looked a bit further but it was all empty.
Next to the main building there was a second building. It looked like this building was the office and the changing rooms with showers. At one point this building looked like it was on fire. But there was one strange thing. The walls had a gradient from black on top to perfect white down below. Also the ceiling looked like it was still okay. Walking through the building we could see it was still being used by airsofters and paintballers. We found BB’s and paintspots everywhere.
Appart from the 2 buildings there was also a cooling tower. The cooling tower was located acros the river. Unfortunately we couldn’t get there because we saw that the police was checking the cooling tower for people like us.
The entrance of the main building was hard to find. The second building was alot easier. If you want to enter the location you do have to look out. There is a company right next door and police is checking this location regularly.
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